PROPOLAR 2012-2013
Novembro de 2012 a Março de 2013
PROPOLAR 2012-2013
Novembro de 2012 a Março de 2013
PROPOLAR 2012-13
Daniele BORTOLI (IT)
Investigador Principal (IP) GEOPHYSICS CENTRE OF EVORA - UNIVERSITY OF EVORA (CGE-UE) D.Bortoli graduated in Physics by the "Alma Mater Studiorum" Bologna University (Italy) in 1998 and completed his PhD in Atmospheric Physics at Évora University (UE) (Portugal) in 2005. Since 2008 he holds a Ciência 2007 research contract, hosted by the Évora Geophysics Centre (CGE). Since 2007 (International Polar Year) DB participated in the creation of the Portuguese Polar Program and he is now a member of the Coordination Committee. He undertook scientific collaborations with the Antarctic Projects of Italy, India, Bulgaria and New Zealand. Since some years he is a non-stipendiary invited research fellow of the Italian Research Council. His main fields of research are the physics and chemistry of atmospheric compounds at high/midlatitudes, the ozone hole in Arctic and Antarctica and characterization of solar radiation. In addition, DB develops remote sensing instrumentation to study atmospheric composition. He developed SPATRAM (Spectrometer for Atmospheric TRAcers Monitoring) prototype equipment, being different versions of this instrument installed in permanent stations: Portugal (2), Italy (2), Antarctica, Bulgaria, and recently Ghana. The results of his research are contained in more than 150 articles, of these, 61 indexed in Scopus database with 192 citations and h-index=8. Of the 61 articles, 29 are published in peer review international journals and 32 in reviewed conference proceedings. He was/is involved in 29 national and international funded projects (5 as PI; 7 as WP responsible). DB took part in 10 field campaigns, including 4 Italian Antarctic Expeditions. He carries out reviewer activities periodically, participates in Academic juries and gained teaching experience, lecturing several courses at UE. In 2007 DB started his own group, which evolved to 7 members including fellowships, undergrad., master, PhD stud. and Post-Docs. Since his graduation DB accepted the supervision of 3 PhDs (ongoing) and 3 Post-Docs. In addition he supervised 11 fellowships, undergrad. and Master in physics and in environmental sciences and completed the supervision of 2 Post-Docs, a PhD is envisaged soon.