Participation of Maria Teresa Cabrita and José Xavier in the All-Atlantic Side Event on “Research Cooperation from Pole to Pole”, hosted by the Portuguese Embassy in Washington D.C., on the 12th of July 2022.
The “Portuguese delegation” including Maria Teresa Cabrita (researcher at CEG/IGOT, Executive Director of PROPOLAR, and member of POLAR2E - College on Polar and Extreme Environments, University of Lisbon), José Xavier (researcher at MARE-Coimbra and Head of Delegation of Portugal at the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meetings), and Catarina Guerreiro (researcher at MARE-Lisboa & IDL, member of POLAR2E), participated in the All-Atlantic Side Event on “Research Cooperation from Pole to Pole”, hosted by the Portuguese Embassy in Washington CD (USA), on the 12th of July 2022. The event aimed at informing on the research priorities for the Southern Ocean and Antarctica and to foster discussion on ways of better cooperating for the future.
Janeiro 2025