Dear colleagues
We will be organizing a hybrid scientific session at the 2022 Ocean Sciences Meeting (27/2 – 4/3, 2022) that will be held both in person in Honolulu/Hawaii/USA and in virtual format. The session entitled “Integrate knowledge of Arctic and Antarctic Oceans“ aims to discuss the new scientific knowledge and changes in the polar oceans and their effects on the low latitude ocean systems (see detailed description below). As chairs of this session, we would like to invite you to contribute by submitting an abstract to this scientific session on the conference website ( The abstract deadline is September 29 th . Looking forward to receiving your contributions and to see you in person or virtually in the meeting. With our best regards, João Canário (University of Lisbon, Portugal) Catarina Magalhães (University of Porto, Portugal) Miguel Bello Mora (Air Centre, Portugal) Scientific Session Details: Code: 157 Session: Integrate knowledge of Arctic and Antarctic Oceans Topic: High Latitude Environments Format: Hybrid: Sessions that will occur in Honolulu but have some form of interactivity with virtual participants. Description: The Arctic and Southern Oceans are defined by dramatic shifts between long day and night cycles and characterized by some of the harshest and most isolated environments on Earth. Polar oceans are currently facing the consequences of the long-term warming trend largely caused by anthropogenic forcing. Numerous studies have exemplified the implications of the remarkable decrease in the sea ice on the hydrography and physical properties of Arctic and Antarctic Oceans, with an impact in water masses circulation and consequently on Earth's climate system. Polar Oceans integrate multiple biological and biogeochemical networks that are responding in unpredictable ways to the impact of climate and human pressures. These changes include highly interactive and complex processes that are crucial to understand in an integrated and multidisciplinary perspective, because global warming involves cascading effects and feedbacks across physical, biogeochemical, and biological processes of the oceans. With this session we seek to bring together polar researchers that use multidisciplinary approaches to understand the effect of the climate change trends on key physical, biogeochemical, and biological processes of the Arctic and Southern Oceans and also their impact in lower Latitude Ocean systems, such as the Atlantic and Pacific. We aim to stimulate discussion and reflect on these sensitive environments in a changing and global world perspective. We encourage multidisciplinary papers addressing an integrated view of physical, biogeochemical, and biological processes and also present the new technological advances that allow a better understanding of these changing systems. IMPORTANT DATES
![]() Caros colegas e toda a comunidade Polar Portuguesa, Este ano a conferência Polar Portuguesa será realizada no CIIMAR. O evento está agendado para dia 29 de Novembro seguido do Workshop APECS Portugal a 30 de Novembro de 2021. O período para submissão de resumos está neste momento aberto! Os resumos para apresentações orais e posters devem ser submetidos em inglês e em formulário próprio disponível na página da Conferência (, até 8 de Outubro 2021.
Aos inscrições podem ser realizadas em, até 20 de Novembro 2021. Para mais informações, por favor consultem o site da conferência em Depois da conferência virtual em 2020 estamos muito entusiasmados por voltar a reunir a Comunidade Polar Portuguesa, no formato habitual, de forma a promover a partilha de resultados interdisciplinares, discutir ideias e fomentar parcerias. Contamos com a participação de todos! A comissão organizadora |
Janeiro 2025